Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Dilli Haat

I love shopping in India.  We didn't buy much at Dilli Haat, but I enjoyed the experience.  You have to pay to enter this bazaar, which was something like 10 rupees (.25 cents), but it kept the riff-raff out.  It wasn't very crowded, which allowed us to meander around the stalls without being bumped around and I didn't worry about being pick-pocketed quite as much.  Dilli Haat is geared to tourists, but not in a tacky way.  Each state in India is represented, therefore you get to see handicrafts and cultural traditions from all across India.  Many of the stalls are rotated every fifteen days, so there is always something new.

I have to say that I would have had a problem actually finding where this place was because it was not noticeable from the street.  Thankfully we had our faithful Harish with us.

G picking out some bangles.

G bought a string of peacocks for herself and for our neighbor from this brightly colored stall:

Someone having henna/mehndi applied:

These Madhubani paintings from the Bihar state were beautiful.  We wanted to buy one, but they were more than we wanted to spend, especially after our big wool rug purchase.  (This would make a nice birthday present... since a certain someone happens to be going back to India in a few weeks... hint hint....)


  1. I love those paintings. They would, indeed, make a lovely birthday present!

  2. Chris, another hint.... mom's birthday in June...
