Sunday, October 30, 2011

Sandipani Muni School - About

Food for Life Vrindavan runs the Sandipani Muni School in Vrindavan.  The school provides not only an education to children living in poverty, but also 2 meals a day, school supplies, medical care, school uniform and clothing.  If it weren't for this school these children would go without meals, clothing and education.  The school is open 6 days a week.

This was the most eye opening - and heart wrenching - part of our trip.  As I write this almost a year later I still get emotional thinking about this experience.

We've made donations to Food for Life's backpack and school supply fundraising efforts in the past.  And we know people who sponsor children to attend the school.  In fact, one family here in the U.S. gave us a note and small gift to take with us to give to the girl they sponsor.  We had talked about sponsoring a child, but never followed through on it.  However, we decided that we wanted to sponsor a meal while we were there and arranged everything in advance.

There are 3 schools and we arrived first at the Primary school where the children gather for assembly.

The backpacks - consider making a donation towards the annual backpack campaign!

The children loved having their picture taken and being able to see it right away.  As soon as I started snapping photos I was mobbed by children!

Food for Life Vrindavan

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